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Dexter Season 7 Scoop: How Will Deb React To Dexter’s Secret?

Chase was going to be dead soon, everybody knows it, but he wouldn’t shut up about the trio represented here, and he may be batshit, but he was onto something when he talked about the their bond and his role in it. Life would’ve been much less complicated for Dexter had he actually started dating Cassie Jollenston . A lot of fans might not fondly remember Cassie because she didn’t show up until the much-maligned final season that nobody wants to recall. Here’s the first real relationship for Dexter on the list. However, Lila West wasn’t a good or sustainable partner.

Louis has a strange role to play in Dexter’s life going forward. Lundy’s return to Miami Metro and Debra’s life begins as a shock, but the pair quickly fall back into their old romance. Debra feels hopeful it will work this time, since Lundy is retired. Unfortunately, Debra’s love life continues to be marred by tragedy when both she and Lundy are shot in cold blood. Young Dexter Moser and his older brother Brian are traumatized when their mother, Laura, is brutally murdered before their very eyes.

Dexter’s new code is solitude

This past summer, Dexter executive producer Sara Colleton explained that her intention was to end the series this season, but Showtime wrangled an eighth and final year. Sad as it is to see the show rounding the final turn toward the finish line, a definitive endpoint is welcome news for fans who’ve stuck around for a worthy denouement. «Tonight’s the night.» With those three simple words, we meet Dexter Morgan, blood spatter analyst by day, serial killer of those who have managed to weasel their way out of justice by night. Despite this out-there premise, «Dexter» explores the primal questions that define a person’s life.

Dexter’s loose ends

Dexter is also a consummate risk-taker whose exploits get more and more dangerous as the years go by. As the narrative progresses from the beginning to the ending ofDexter, we see him go from someone who must imitate human emotion to a man who actually does feel and comes to truly care about those closest to him. In fact, it’s this emotional development that causes Dexter to get many people in his close orbit hurt or killed. He has moments when he realizes the law could take this into their own hands, but by the time he’s meddled it’s already muddied the waters. Considering he’s in retail now, and not a blood spatter analyst with convenient police access, this relationship gives Dexter a direct connection to information about the town most ordinary people aren’t privy to. It sounds as if it won’t be long before he’s up to his usual tricks.

And let’s not forget the ending itself – the one we all wished we could wrap in plastic and stab in the chest. For eight seasons, audiences everywhere were enamored with the Showtime seriesDexter. It followed the life of Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a serial killer who targeted other murderers. The early portions of the show saw him talk about how he didn’t care much for things like romance and sex. Despite that, Dexter had his fair share fo love interests throughout the entire series. Dexter Morgan Lumen Ann Pierce is a fictional character portrayed by Julia Stiles in the Showtime television series Dexter, season 5.

Julia Stiles surprised by ‘Dexter’ send-off

I agree with the finding a love interest so soon thing. It was WAY soon anyway, but especially because we are led to understand that Dexter prior to Rita wasn’t really all that into relationships or sex, but suddenly that was all he was into. For me it was a slide out of a reality that could have possibly taken place. He continued to make the same mistakes he swore he never would. I nearly throw something at the tv when Deb made that confession about her feelings about him. The overuse of ghost dad and inner monologuing to tell the aidience overly obvious things got real old.

It is this introspection that makes Dexter an unrealistic psychopath according to professionals, and it is exactly this trait that makes him so relatable to viewers. In his case, his struggle is that he might not feel empathy, but he recognizes what empathy looks like in others and can emulate it. He might not feel love, but how much is Zoe app he knows what people who love each other do and the sacrifices they make. In «An Inconvenient Lie,» he talked privately with Dexter in the field morgue about the motives of killers, and he said the only acceptable reason for killing is to save an innocent life. Dexter also catches Quinn stealing money from a crime scene.

I too had a hard time initially buying that Lumen could just be cured and/or would just leave, because she no longer has the urge/dark passenger in common with Dexter. The fanfic that only exists in my mind is a Lumen spin-off where perhaps she plays vigilanti elsewhere and maybe tries to save people from human trafficing in New Mexico with her alien-obsessed best friend, Rusty. The moment where Jordan discovered a missing knife and Dexter lunged at him, plunging the weapon through Chase’s foot and into the floor below so that he was rendered immobile, was totally thrilling. And, as is typical, it was followed up by an equally exhilarating emotional scene. Jordan was on the table, Lumen had got the knife, Dexter was watching.

I was sad she left at the end of the season but there wouldn’t have been much to Dexter if he lived happily ever after with a fellow serial killer. But in all seriousness, I have been darkly dreaming about the Dexter revival ever since it was announced last year, and the more that I think about it, the more the limited series feels like a win-win. If New Blood is on par with the back half of Dexter’s original run—extremely flawed but still irresistible to watch—then we Dex-heads can commune every week to talk about how ridiculous it is. I’m already getting flashbacks to the nationwide schadenfreude over the final season of Game of Thrones.

He speeds to the scene in a stolen car but, in his haste, flips his car over a backhoe on the road. Jordan captures Dexter and brings him to the basement where he’s holding Lumen. Jordan opens Dexter’s knife kit, only to notice that one knife is missing. Dexter immediately stabs Jordan in the foot, incapacitating him, and frees Lumen. They strap Jordan to a table; after he taunts Lumen, she stabs him in the heart. Jordan is furious, being unable to obtain Dexter’s location from Lumen.