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You also might never leave the honeymoon phase, but that doesn’t mean your relationship isn’t deep and fulfilling. Whatever you believe and experience, it’s all about what works and feels right for you and your partner — as proven by these 10 real relationship stories, courtesy of Reddit. The honeymoon phase is a period of time when someone is newly married or in a new relationship. It is a time when everything seems perfect, and people are happy with each other. After the honeymoon stage in a relationship, you’ll start to realize your partner’s habits and flaws. It can feel like the rose-tinted glasses have come off.

Stage 7. The stage of doubts – 1 year to multiple years

Some people do it right away, and others wait months or even years to do this. It might not – there are probably some little old couples who have been together over 50 years who are still madly in love. I know people who were dating someone for six months and made it clear that it wasn’t a committed relationship. Some people confuse dating exclusively with commitment.

The Honeymoon Stage

Learning your love language, and equally as important, your partner’s love language is an essential part of building a relationship that grows and doesn’t crumble after the honeymoon phase ends. Go on a second first date – This isn’t meant to be as paradoxical as it sounds. The aim here is to recapture a bit of that early magic by simulating that early relationship feeling. Dress up a bit, stick on some cologne, and do your best to impress each other, just like you used to. The “rut” is a natural part of any relationship’s evolution, but it doesn’t have to stay there. Get creative and try out a few (or all) of the tips above to start seeing your partner and your relationship in a whole new way.

Some people believe that in order to fully gauge compatibility, they need to know how they are in bed. What is important is discussing your opinions on physical intimacy in the first six months of the relationship. If you and your partner are not on the same page with physical intimacy, it may throw a wedge in your relationship. While these gestures may be common in the first six months, they often reduce as the relationship progresses.

We all need the occasional early-morning pump up song. It hits 4 am and all of a sudden the coffee’s just not enough to keep you going. Yes, I am talking about the people that stand on tables and belt out there favorite Christmas carols at 2 am. Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, maybe you lost a dare. But sane people don’t normally belt out jingle bells on the top of their lungs for over 100 people to listen too. This one goes to the girl that got half the library to sing along to her rendition of jingle bells during my fall semester of finals.

Sources of funding to this site does not ever influence editorial content of this site. Physical attraction matters even though beauty isn’t skin deep. Possibly you guys misunderstand one another because you express love differently. Strike more intimate conversations on your views on life, your fears, your hopes, life motto, role model, the best and worst days of your life, sacrificed and forgotten dreams, and so on.

In the early stages of a relationship, infatuation pulls you towards your partner. It entices you to be in the moment, soaking up everything that it has to offer. As you become used to someone, you also become more easily distracted. By the time the honeymoon phase is over, your blood will be boiling a lot more often, seemingly out of nowhere. As the honeymoon phase dwindles to an end, you put down your rose-colored glasses and shove your extra patience in a drawer alongside it.

As time progresses, the true test of a relationship comes with navigating challenges and building a strong foundation of trust and respect. Whether or not some people never leave the honeymoon phase is up for debate. While it’s certainly possible for some couples to maintain a high level of excitement and passion over the long term, it’s also important to recognize that relationships evolve and change over time. The honeymoon phase may be wonderful while it lasts, but it’s not necessarily a realistic or sustainable expectation for every relationship. Once the couples have gone through the discovery/exploration stage and feel a strong connection, they move into the commitment/intimacy stage. This stage is characterized by individuals showing vulnerability, sharing their feelings, and becoming emotionally invested in the relationship.

Have more sex.

Yes and this is where people get confused between a dating friend and friends who start dating. Otherwise, a relationship is based purely on lust and sex and that won’t last long. As with all relationship dilemmas, there are pros and cons to dating friends. Then as this friendship progresses they become more intimate.

Sure children live to play but have you ever watched kids together. Sure they laugh, giggle and play but it’s all intermittent with bumps, bruises and disagreements. The same child who limps into the house crying because his friend pushed him down hurries back outside to resume play once his boo-boo has been kissed and bandaged. Ingrid Schnader, a junior at Auburn University, also suggests changing your average date night to something more fun. “Find a hobby that you both enjoy — something that will never get old,” she says. “For example, my boyfriend and I always go to antique stores when we’re bored.

You might realize you and your partner aren’t compatible in the real world, or you could overcome the end of the honeymoon phase and be stronger than ever. The end of the honeymoon phase is just something every couple has to overcome — nothing can feel new and thrilling forever. So you could have up to two years of fresh and exciting romance where you and your partner continue to discover more about each other and share your first experiences. Tell them something you find attractive about them, especially if it isn’t something they’ve heard a lot.

Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to deal with various problems in relationships or doesn’t feel confident in their love enough to be sure that they will go through the uncertainty phase together. But for those who want to stay in this fairy tale of love longer, we have created 5 tips on how to make your honeymoon period last longer. While the end of the honeymoon period may feel like a bad thing, there is still so much joy to discover and experience together. Every couple in a lasting relationship must move on from the excitement they felt at the very beginning.